All Eyes On: Kindness; Social Media; Climate Change & Fonts
This week we’re talking about random acts of kindness, changes in social media, B Corps coming together to change the world, and fonts having feelings.
Random acts of kindness
This coming Sunday (February 17th) is Random Acts of Kindness Day. This has nothing to do with marketing, and everything to do with being a nice human being – and who doesn’t want to be a nice human being? Celebrating Random Acts of Kindness day could not be more simple; all you have to do is perform a random act of kindness. That could be buying a coffee for a homeless person, giving someone a genuine compliment, or… well, anything kind! Share your random acts of kindness on social media using their hashtag #RAKDay.
Social media changes
Social media is an ever-changing game; sometimes we love that, sometimes not so much. This week, Instagram has begun showing IGTV videos in the newsfeed, Facebook has made it possible to delete a sent message (after up to 10 seconds) and also announced several other updates, and according to WeRSM, Instagram is trialling quiz stickers for Stories. A busy week in social media for sure… We’ll leave it up to you to judge whether these updates fall into the “love it” or “not so much” category!
B Corps are leading the way on climate change
These days most people are agreed that climate change cannot be ignored; we are all responsible for taking action in our own way. We love this article from B The Change about how B Corps leaders will come together at the B Leadership Summit. Here at Jago we are in the process of B Corporation Certification (more on that in a separate blog soon); it’s something the whole team is working passionately towards right now. The idea of B Corp leaders coming together to commit to collective action to address climate change is a shining example of why we want to be aligned with this movement
Fonts have feelings
Wait, what? Not literally – but this article from Jonny Gibson on Medium argues that if we think of fonts as having feelings it’ll help us to choose the right fonts for our message. This is a good thing to bear in mind if you’re choosing a font for your website, your blog, or even printed media. We’ve all had those cringe-worthy moments where someone has produced an official document in Comic Sans – or they’re trying to be light hearted and upbeat in a very serious font. It’s a small detail, but small details go together to create an overall experience. So perhaps fonts really do have feelings!