All Eyes On: Gen Z, Instagram, emojis & ice cream

18th February

Published by Vicky

18th February

This week we’re talking about Gen Z, Instagram, inclusive emojis and Ben & Jerry’s as a force for good.


Gen Z Dating Trends

We loved this article from Think With Google about how app marketers can learn from Gen Z dating trends. Gen Z is people born in the 1990s and 2000s (about half of the Jago team!), and it’s safe to say that this younger generation is set to shape the future of marketing. By looking at the way Gen Z uses dating apps, we can learn a lot to help us in our own marketing efforts.

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Last week’s major social media crisis came in the form of an Instagram glitch that saw many people drop thousands of followers overnight. Did it affect you? Instagram stated on Twitter that it was a glitch they were working to resolve, but others have suggested maybe they have been purging bot and inauthentic accounts.
On the positive news front, rumours abound that Instagram is testing DMs on the Web – good news for those of us with fat thumbs whose DMs are often littered with typos!

Inclusive emojis

There are 230 new emojis set for release later this year, and people are quite excited. These are the most inclusive emojis ever, with over 170 different combinations of people holding hands, and people with a wide range of disabilities. Other inclusions in this roll out are a sloth, a flamingo and a yo-yo, so all bases are covered! The new emojis will be released in the third quarter of 2019 so we’ve a few months to wait yet – but we’re looking forward to them!

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Ben & Jerry’s

Who doesn’t love Ben & Jerry’s? Not only for their delicious ice cream (including new vegan flavours!) but also for their B Corp status and commitment to making the world a better place. This article from B the Change on Medium talks about the history of Ben & Jerry’s, and how they are committed to racial equity. We found it enlightening and inspiring that a company so big is still committed to learning, evolving and being a force for good. There’s a section in the article about what other businesses can take away from this which provides useful tips for us all. Ice cream as a force for good; what’s not to love.

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