All Eyes On: Data privacy, scam ads and being here now

28th January

Published by Vicky

28th January

This week we’re talking about Data Privacy Day, Facebook taking a stand, and learning to live in the moment.


Data Privacy Day

January 28th is Data Privacy Day, a day to raise awareness and promote best practices when it comes to your data and privacy. What does this mean? Things like making sure that you not only have a good password for online accounts, but also that you change your passwords regularly – and of course, you don’t have the same password for every account! This is the first Data Privacy Day since the GDPR were brought in last May and this is a great time to review exactly who has your data – and whether you want them to! This is not only about making sure you unsubscribe from the email newsletters you don’t want to read, but also checking in with the websites where you have a login; do you use it? If you have a login for a website you no longer use, consider deleting your account. At the very least – change your password!

Read more here  and also here

Facebook takes a stand on fake news and scam ads

Facebook has launched a Page Quality tab so that page managers are now able to see if any of their content has been removed for violating Community Standards – or if posts have been reported as false news. As well as this, the big news for Facebook last week was that they settled a case with Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis. He posted a video on Twitter of an interview he did on Good Morning Britain, explaining why he filed the lawsuit in the first place, and why settlement was good news. His image and false quotes from him were used in scam ads on Facebook (and on several other sites) and these were used to swindle numerous people out of a lot of money. He has now been working with Facebook to prevent this happening in the future – not only scam ads with his image, but all scam ads on Facebook. Facebook is now leading the way in tackling the problem of scam ads online.


Be here now.

This week we are loving this article by B The Change on Medium about resetting our brains when our minds run wild.

By resetting our thoughts on the present, we actually can build a brighter future – and, finally, get a better night’s sleep.

You might think this has nothing to do with a blog on a marketing agency website – but we think it has everything to do with it – because it has everything to do with each and every one of us, and how we live our lives. Marketing is not just about making as much money as possible; for us it’s about improving life, in big and small ways, for all concerned – and that begins with our team members. Learning how to be in the moment rather than worrying about the future or ruminating on the past can be life changing and ultimately makes us all better at our jobs.

Read more here