All Eyes On: Jago’s First Event; Facebook Messenger; Domain Authority; #ILoveYouHater and International Women’s Day

11th March

Published by Vicky

11th March

This week we’re talking about the inaugural Jago event, Facebook Messenger, Domain Authority, #ILoveYouHater and International Women’s Day

Jago’s First Event

Our first event is tomorrow! We are all busy preparing our notes and making sure everything is in place for a brilliant event. We are passionate about design and about helping others; in this free event you’ll learn about why design should be an integral part of any business plan, and what good design looks like. If you’ve not booked your ticket yet there are still a couple of places left; click here to make sure your place is reserved.

Facebook Messenger

Last week Facebook announced “dark mode” – a feature that switches the screen from white to black. This is something that’s been available on Twitter for some time, and follows the trend of device and app manufacturers helping us to limit the amount of stimulating blue light we experience before bed. Many mobile devices have some form of “night mode” built in where the screen will change colour at a certain time, and there are apps available that will add more functionality to this. It’s good to see Facebook launching this with the new Messenger launch.

As well as this Mark Zuckerberg announced last week that Facebook is moving more towards private chats than public communication. In a Facebook post last Wednesday, Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will move in a similar direction as WhatsApp with private, secure messaging. Of course, our public profiles will still be important – but the focus seems to be on people wanting to communicate privately too.

A Change to Domain Authority

Last week Moz changed the way websites’ Domain Authority is tracked and reported. For those who don’t know, Domain Authority (DA) is a ranking score that is an industry standard. A website is given an Authority score between 1 and 100, depending on several different factors. The new algorithm used to calculate this was introduced last week, and has meant that some websites have seen their DA drop significantly. Wondering how your site has fared? You can check your DA by using the Moz tool here. Moz says the changes to DA will provide a better and more trustworthy metric that tracks more closely with Google. You can read more on the Moz blog here.


Sprite has launched a new campaign titled #ILoveYouHater with the idea of “fighting hate with love.” This is a brilliant example of great marketing – but also of using a massive global brand name to do a little more than just sell product. The more cynical among us may think they’re only out to sell their fizzy pop, and that’s a valid point – but there is no denying the ads they’ve created are having an impact.


International Women’s Day

Each year International Women’s Day seems to make a bigger splash on social and 2019 was no exception. From Richard Herring’s heroic effort to raise money for Refuge by responding to every “when is International Men’s Day, then” Tweet (it’s November 19th, by the way) to massive global brands doing their bit to celebrate women across the globe. We loved this article from The Drum highlighting the good and the bad from IWD 2019. Of course, Jago also got involved with International Women’s Day, publishing a video to celebrate (did you know we’re more than 50% female?), and our founder Ryan published a moving blog about the strongest female he knows, his 3 year old daughter Grace.